林力丹教授讲座:Postcolonial Studies, Edward Said, and Post-Orientalism


题目:Postcolonial Studies, Edward Said, and Post-Orientalism

主讲人: 林力丹教授 (美国印第安娜-普度大学)

时间: 2010年6月12(星期六)18:30-20:00





With Edward Said's departure from us seven years ago, postcolonial studies have reached a critical moment when postcolonial critics are faced with the challenge as to how to creatively inherit the legacy Said has left behind. Many postcolonial critics have creatively moved beyond the limited postcolonial context to read colonialism not only as a historical event, but as a metaphor of power and domination permeating all aspects of human life. This lecture will offer another creative perspective from which we can reengage postcolonial studies. This new perspective is what the lecturer call “post-Orientalism.”


现任美国印地安那--普渡大学英文系正教授 full professorIndiana University -Purdue University)。2005年获该大学终身教授。2002年至今任西南大学外国语学院兼职教授 (Southwest University)1998年,获美国北得克萨斯州立大学英国文学博士 (University of North Texas)1993年获英国爱克斯特大学文学硕士 (University of Exeter);1989年获西南大学英美文学硕士 (Southwest University)1982年获该大学英语语言与文学学士。在美国,英国,加拿大,荷兰等一流权威学术杂志和书刊上发表独立作者论文20余篇,专著《20世纪英国小说与东方文化》。