文学研究院主题讲座:The Divine and Artistic Ideal:Ideas and Insights in Chinese and Western Literary Thought









Art has been related to the divine across cultures. In most traditions, the divine has been viewed as the ultimate aesthetic ideal, and aesthetics is full of notions, ideas, and concepts related to it, without which artistic criticism and aesthetic education would be in a much impoverished state. The divine in art, however, is a slippery category. In this article, I will examine some critical and theoretical data on the divine, divine creation, and divine spirit in artistic representation from the Chinese and Western traditions and explore how the Chinese and Western traditions employ ideas of the divine for artistic conceptions and aesthetic creation. On the basis of comparison and contrast, I will try to obtain some rational insights into the relationship between artistic creation and the divine in terms of logical analysis. Finally, I will make some efforts to reconcpetualize the insights drawn from both traditions, and explore to what extent the divine is still relevant to present-day aesthetics, how an aesthetic ideal may be conceived on ideas of the divine in artistic representation, and in what ways an art work may be considered to have entered the divine realm of artistic ideal. 


顾明栋教授简介:美国芝加哥大学博士,现为美国达拉斯德州大学比较文学和中国文学教授,美国《诺敦理论与批评选集》特别顾问。研究方向为英美文学、西方文论、比较诗学、中国思想及中西文化比较研究。著有英文专著两部:《中国阅读理论:走向诠释学与开放诗学》、《中国小说理论:一个非西方的叙事系统》,中文专著一部《原创的焦虑:语言、文学、文化研究的多元途径》,编著译著多部,论文六十余篇,大部分发表于国外主流学刊和国内核心期刊,其中有二十篇收入《艺术与人文科学索引》(Arts and Humanities Citation Index) 或《社会科学索引 》(Social Sciences